Spectrum Modern History MCQ pdf

During the rule of which of the following Governor-general the Census of India was started? 
(I) Lord Mayo 
(II) Lord Lytton 
(III) Lord Ripon 
(IV) Lord Curzon 
Ans – IV – Lord Curzon 

Chhattisgarh became a division of the central provinces in which of the following years? 
(I) 1860 
(II) 1862 
(III) 1863 
(IV) 1865 
Ans – II – 1862 

During which of the following period did Gandhiji give the slogan of ‘Swaraj in one year’? 
(I) During Non-cooperation Movement 
(II) During Round Table Conference 
(III) During Dandi March 
(IV) During Civil Disobedience Movement 
Ans – I – During Non-cooperation Movement 

Which of the following succeeded Ram Mohan Roy as the head of the Brahma Samaj? 
(I) Keshav Chandra Sen 
(II) Devendra Nath Tagore 
(III) Akshay Kumar Datta 
(IV) Shinath Shastri 
Ans – II – Devendra Nath Tagore 

In which year, Court of Judicature was established in Bombay? 
(I) 1727 
(II) 1733 
(III) 1718 
(IV) 1722 
Ans – III – 1718 

Assam province was separated from Bengal in which of the following years? 
(I) 1864 
(II) 1880 
(III) 1884 
(IV) 1890 
Ans – III – 1884 

Which among the following was the correct order of the four-step integration? 
(I) Reorganisation-Merger-Democratisation-Centralisation and constitutionalisation 
(II) Merger-Democratisation-Centralisation and constitutionalisation-Reorganisation 
(III) Democratisation-Centralisation and constitutionalisation-Reorganisation-Merger 
(IV) Reorganisation-Merger-Centralisation and constitutionalisation-Democratisation 
Ans – II – Merger-Democratisation-Centralisation and constitutionalisation-Reorganisation 

Which of the following is not the founder of the Rahnumai Mazadayasan Sabha? 
(I) Naoroji Furdonji 
(II) Dadabhai Naoroji 
(III) S.S. Bengali 
(IV) Shibli Nomani 
Ans – IV – Shibli Nomani 

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